My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Duchess Deal is sort-of a spin on the classic Beauty and the Beast tale, once handsome guy is now physically less handsome with accompanying ego and self-esteem issues, needs a wife. Hardworking, clever girl is in need of something, in this case the fee owed to her for work she did on the wedding dress of the Duke's bride-to-be who has jilted him.
Witty banter ensues.
I text my friend three pages in 'dude, you need to read this book, they just described a dress as looking like a unicorn vomited on it.'
She agreed that she must read this book.
One of the great things about this book is that the Duke isn't really in need of redemption, he's a good guy, just a cranky jackass dealt a hard hand who needs someone to challenge him and point out that a monster is what you make of yourself if you let other people tell you who you are. That being said, Emma is so out of his league, she's awesome and DOESN'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT. She finds nice, interesting friends, a clever way of keeping up with her dressmaking skills, and isn't even put-off by the fact that all of her employees are way too invested in her love life.
I read this book in 2 days and did the classic past-one's-bedtime-but-must-finish-this maneuver. There are sexytimes, the first few are highly amusing, then I started to find them a bit boring as the witty banter was more interesting, but they were easy to skim.
Sweet book, great banter, I want to hang out and have tea with Emma's friends.
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