My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The third in the Call of Crows series, Laurenston has really out done herself with The Unyielding.
Following the story of Erin, who up to this point I had found a bit wearing and irritating much like all those around her seem to, I found myself really liking her within the first third pages which is a damn quick turn around for a character.
With the threat of Ragnarök on the Clan's doorstep we find out that there is not much that the clans as a whole can do outside of hold the line. Erin turns out to be the million to one chance to everyone's irritation, maybe no one else more so than the Raven Stieg's who has been historically singled out by Erin to irritate because he is so damn fun to bother.
And he is terribly fun. And there is a goat that I defy you not to love, and the return of Brodie Hawaii the world's most helpful pitbull. Nidhogg also shows up, it's grand.
If you liked the first two books you will enjoy this one.
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