My rating: 3 of 5 stars
So I picked up this book not knowing anything about it outside of the fact that the main character was a dragon and that someone over on the Smart Bitches site said they enjoyed it, and perhaps most importantly, it was on sale.
All in all, I enjoyed it highly. Perhaps my almost complete ignorance of the book going in helped this enjoyment, had I known that it was going to take place in a post-magic induced dystopia I might have been less enthused to read it as I am about doomsday-ed out, but the world building is superb. Aaron has created a believable magic system that meshes well with the society and world at large which also adds interesting depth and motives to the characters.
I also liked that there appears to be different types of dragons outside of the usual European ones that one tends to run across. Multi-national magical creatures represent!
I did think that there was going to be more romance in the book, but...well, let's say that there is a slow burn. Like geological-like time slow burn, a whole forest of pinning that I am guessing Aaron will use to write all the follow-up books for this series, slow burn. So there's that.
The world and characters actually put me in mind of the Dresden Files books, although perhaps slightly sweeter? And much less pop-culture references. Although close to the same level on the kill count. There is still the aspect of the characters being small cogs in a larger plan which they might end up as being wrenches in as well, but maybe a bit more optimistic on Julius' part than Harry ever was. And that optimism is a really nice touch.
Also the cat! Ghost is awesome and I look forward to reading the following books to see what he gets up to.
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