My rating: 3 of 5 stars
While reading 'Strong Signal' it was apparent that Dominic 'Nicky' Costigan was going to get his own book. I was not thrilled about that as his character in 'Signal' was...let's go with 'irritating' rounded off with a pointed look that implies that I'm being charitable.
Thus I was ambivalent about this book, but read it anyway when one of my favorite authors stated that she loved it.
Now I'm not going to say 'Oh give me a pickle and call me a sandwich! she was right! This book is everything!' Because it isn't, but it is really quite good and I found my urge to smack Dominic in the mouth dissipating within the first chapter. Which was amazing because, again, so very, very 'irritating.'
Perhaps it was due to this great character development that I am not currently calling for pickle and a side of chips, once I got into the feels I wanted more of the feels. I wanted to wallow in Dominic and Luke's feels until my fingers pruned up and I looked like Bettie Davis circa the 1970s, dramatic, full of feels, and slightly wrinkled.
Once the landscaping material hit the deli counter I wanted to have the feels drawn out like a pointless side quest in a online fantasy role-playing game. The last 20% of the book was not enough for my angst and pinning while learning about yourself feels thirst.
However, what was there was very good, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich made with fancy preserves on the really good bread if you will good. The sexytimes were nicely done, and the children not so irritating as to become total plot moppits.
I also read the whole book in one sitting, so that's a pretty strong statement on it as a whole. I find myself looking forward to the next in the Cyberlove series and hope to be as pleasantly surprised as I was with this one.
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