My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Not nearly as good as the first in the series, but still serviceable.
I don't know, I couldn't shake the feeling that Leo and Will never really got on the same footing. I sort of wish that Leo had spent more time away from Will.
I loved Leo's use of physics and yoga, go you nerd with your science speak! However...sigh...Will...we kept coming back to how hard his life is because he is SO DARN PRETTY. The subplot about his sister sort of felt tacked on at the end to show some kind of character depth.
I just wanted to take Leo aside and be like, dude I know, you're 20 and having all kinds of pants feelings for this guy and HE IS SO DARN PRETTY, but there are a lot of people out there that will value you much more than this guy and not be such a self-serving punk about it. Listen to Daniel, he had an awesome character arch in his book, in fact, let's all just go back to that book and pretend that you went off to MIT instead of NYC and are doing adorable things with particle physics or something.
I'm still rating this book as a 3 because I like Parrish's writing and up until the end I had hopes for some other kind of comeuppance for Will.
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